Cork: Your Sustainable Soundproofing Material

Noise is a health hazard, and don’t let anyone tell you differently. Mental and physical health are in jeopardy with constant exposure to noise pollution. Reducing noise from the environment should be a priority for your household if you live in an environment that offers little respite from all the racket. Are you ready to invest in acoustic ceiling and wall products to reduce the noise level coming from your surroundings? There are alternatives to the typical synthetic materials your online search reveals.

Sustainable soundproofing

There are three main categories of sustainable soundproofing and sound-absorbing materials. These are natural materials, recycled materials, and mixed and composite materials. High-quality, sustainable products would be acceptable and conform to local building codes. Typically, green product lines offered today use a variety of natural fiber, as well as recycled synthetic fiber. Interestingly, environmentally friendly acoustic foam and insulation are widely available today in America.

Sustainable and affordable

If you are partial to familiar materials, why don’t you join the discussion about the merits of the humble and readily available cork? There are only a few soundproofing materials that are both affordable and sustainable. Cork happens to be on top of that list.

Cork, the efficient soundproofing agent

recording studioCork is made from the bark of trees. The trees where they come from are harvested and not cut. Evergreen oak trees are the primary sources of cork. A tree is harvested every nine to 14 years to make the products we see on the market. The cork is processed and formed into tiles, planks, and panels.

Recording studios and theaters entrust their sound-dampening needs to cork. A ten-decibel reduction of sound is offered by mere three millimeters of cork. You should start putting your faith in it. This excellent material is all natural, recyclable, and 100 percent sustainable. In addition, cork is buoyant and lightweight. Installing it on the walls and ceilings should not make you break into a sweat. Lastly, cork is a fire retardant. You’re not only lowering the impact of loud noises from the environment but also protecting your home from fire.

How cork blocks sound

The honeycomb design may seem fragile, but despite the cellar arrangement of cork, it is impermeable. The cells are air-sealed and prevent sound from passing from one side to another. Aside from blockage of sound waves, cork breaks them down as well and causes them to diffuse. Sound waves have to be intact to reach human ears and be perceived. Any disruption along its path results in the muffling of sound. If the barrier is very effective, the result is complete sound elimination. It has been shown that the presence of cork on the walls dampens human voices by about 40 percent. Would you like to see for yourself if this claim is reliable?

Soundproofing is becoming a necessity in many residential communities. As we live in a noisy world, we must find sustainable materials that reduce the unhealthy impact of noise pollution. Consider using cork panels on the walls and ceilings. It is a sustainable and recyclable material that can solve your problem head-on.

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